Pengaruh Likuiditas



Stock prices in the stock market is one factor to be considered by investors in their policy analysis in the stock market. Investors' decisions to invest in the stock are expecting profits in the future. In a new policy to invest the investors use fundamental analysis. One of the fundamental analysis that can be used to assess the stock is price earnings ratio (PER).

This study aims to analyze whether there is influence between liquidity, leverage, and dividend to the price earnings ratio (PER) of the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling method. A total of 94 companies were taken as samples from the year 2009 to 2010. Analytical techniques used in this study is multiple linear regression.

The results showed that the variables significantly influence PER Parliament. While the variables CR and DER no significant effect on PER. Simultaneous testing variables CR,DER, and PER DPR significant effect. For investors who want to invest in the stock market suggested the need to pay attention to variables - variables above are mainly variables that had a major impact on price earnings ratio (PER) is the dividend payout ratio (DPR).

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